Electric Aromatic Diffuser


Allow the air around you to calm and soothe your body and soul. The electric, aromatic diffuser is perfectly designed to keep your home smelling divine.

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SKU: 328 Category:

The electric aromatic diffuser is a high efficient nebulizing diffuser which relies on electrical current and pressure to emit aroma. The cutting-edge design of this electric diffuser adds elegance to your house, bathroom, or room while letting you unwind with the aroma.

Power Supply

AC 100-240 V 50/60 Hz 24V 500 mA

Electric Consumption

12W (approx.). Auto off when waterless.

Water Volume

200 ml (max)

LED Light

08 Pcs



Informazzjoni addizzjonali

Piż 320 g
Dimensjonijiet 13.5 × 13.5 × 17.5 cm


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