Rejuvenating Hydrosol


Pamper your body, elevate your spirit, with Lavender and Patchouli Oil’s calming properties. Ensuring you a soothing and relaxing experience.

SKU: 221 Kategoriji: , ,

D’Las Rejuvenating Hydrosol contains the authentic aromas of Patchouli and Lavender. The essence of Patchouli & Lavender gives your body a spa-like experience while relaxing it.

This incredible aromatherapy treatment nourishes and hydrates the skin, leaving you with smooth, firm, plump, and supple skin. It can also be used as a face mist/toner, body mist, skin tonic, air freshener, or linen spray.


100% pure and naturally distilled water obtained by steam distillation of the various parts of the Lavender and Patchouli plants.

Mod ta' Użu

Sprits onto the inner wrists, behind the ears, or the chest. Take a moment to inhale deeply and enjoy the aromatherapy benefits.


For external use only/Do not apply on sensitive or irritated skin.


100 % Vegan | 100% Organic | Alcohol-Free | Paraffin-Free | Paraben-Free

Informazzjoni addizzjonali

Piż 130 g
Dimensjonijiet 6 × 6 × 16 ċm



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