Energizing Hydrosol


Awake the sense of your body and soul. Promote strengthening, regeneration, warmth, and freedom with this energizing hydrosol.

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D’las Energizing Hydrosol is infused with authentic aromas of Lemongrass & Nutmeg. The fresh and zesty fragrance of the ingredients helps to boost energy levels and keep your body and mind refreshed.

This can be used as a face mist/toner, body mist, skin tonic, air freshener, or as a linen spray.


100 % pure and naturally distilled water obtained by steam distillation of various parts of Nutmeg & Lemongrass plants.

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Sprits onto the inner wrists, behind the ears, or the chest. Take a moment to inhale deeply and enjoy the aromatherapy benefits.


For external use only | Do not apply on sensitive or irritated skin.


100 % Vegan | 100% Organic | Alcohol-Free | Paraffin-Free | Paraben-Free

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Je li blok dinamički prikazan. 130 g
Osigurajte da skup rezultata isključuje komentare dodijeljene određenim korisničkim ID-ovima. Zahtijeva autorizaciju. 6 × 6 × 16 cm


Ograničite skup rezultata na onaj iz e-pošte određenog autora. Zahtijeva autorizaciju.

Ograničite odgovor na komentare objavljene prije određenog datuma usklađenosti s ISO8601.

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